18-19.05.2016 | Report on the interdisciplinary conference "Structure and Dynamics of Nanoscopic Matter" |
05,15,19.04.2016 | Excursion for schoolchildren |
31.03.2016 | Participants of XII All-Russian tournament chemical schoolchildren visited the resource center "Innovative technologies of composite nanomaterials", where they got acquainted with the basic research and technological equipment to create ceramic and polymer composites. |
26.03.2016 | As part of the 40th All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students' achievements Chemistry of XXI century "for young chemists was organized tour of the hardware resource center" Innovative technologies of composite nanomaterials " |
15-17.03.2016 | On the basis of the St. Petersburg State University hosted a conference "Modern methods of thermal analysis, innovative solutions, applications", during which the resource center staff had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with modern Netzsch company's equipment, as well as to improve their skills in the field of thermal methods of research materials, having heard lectures and seminars. |
16.03.2016 | There was a tour of the resource center for students of the 1st year Master direction "Physics, chemistry and mechanics of materials." |
1-4.03.2016 | The center's employees took part in the Week of high technologies at the exhibition center at the fairgrounds. |
25.09.2015 | September 25 held a meeting in the center of innovative technologies of composite nanomaterials. The meeting was attended Romanychev Andrey, Arbenin Center head Andrei Yurevich, deputy Center Wolves manager Yuri, CEO of "Building composites" Kozyutenko Alex S., head of corporate sales "Building composites" Victoria Dokuchaeva, deputy director TSPIR In his first contact the St. Petersburg State company "Construction composites" stated on the experience of the introduction of innovative solutions (in particular, in medicine, in the construction industry, etc.), as well as on the availability of waste technologies promote innovative material on the market (and in the Northwestern Federal District, and in the Russian Federation). An example of such an implementation can serve as a composite reinforcement (which is now being actively used in the construction industry and has already successfully implemented projects) and bituminous emulsion paste. The company is headed by Committee for the introduction of innovations in the public organization "Business Russia", included in the composite cluster management council, created in 2014 on the basis of a cluster Development Center. The purpose of the meeting was to find opportunities for collaboration and resource center "SC". Following the discussion identified two areas of cooperation: 1. Holding company "SK" on the basis of the resource center materials expertise (ceramics, polymers) (on the basis of contracts, forms of contracts at the center there is such examination carried out regularly center) 2. A.I.Romanychev TSPIR offer, and we - the management "IC" design options for cooperation on the basis of the existing development center in / samples that might be needed market (market value estimates "IC"). |
22.03.2015 | Laboratory visited prof. Milos Janecek and his colleagues (University them. Charles, Prague, Czech Republic). The meeting was held a scientific seminar and discussions, as well as a tour of the laboratory. |
07.09.2015 | The RC ITKN NP St. Petersburg State University students took a tour of the Institute of Chemistry of SPSU direction "Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials". |
19.06.2015 | The Resource Center ITKN NP St. Petersburg State University students have been guided tours of the chemical and physical classes Academic Gymnasium St. Petersburg State University, in which future professionals in the areas of natural science popular form were shown the capabilities of modern research equipment to be used for the synthesis and study of composite nanomaterials. |
28.04.2015 | The RC ITKN NP St. Petersburg State University held a seminar on the structure of titanium splavovpodvergnutyh SDI with a series of reports Representatives OHM Laboratories, including the report of the founder of the method of prof. Valiev RZ |
10.04.2015 | April 10, 2015 an excursion for the participants of the IX International Conference of Young Scientists in Chemistry Mendeleev-2015. |
09.02.2015 | Employees RC ITKN NP St. Petersburg State University took part in the international seminar "The structure of nanomaterials" |
25.01.5015 | The RC ITKN NP St. Petersburg State University held a seminar devoted to epitaxial thin-film technologies. The seminar made a report the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems SA Kukushkin on "the creation of technologies for growing defect-free silicon carbide films." This technology provides a unique opportunity for Nanofilms in micro-, nano- and optoelectronics. |
21.01.2015 | ONM laboratory staff took part in a scientific seminar organized by the RC ITKN NP St. Petersburg State University. The main objective of the workshop was to improve scientific ties with research groups within the university, in the Russian and foreign research centers. The seminar was opened by the prof. S. Mironov (Tohoku University, Japan) on "Formation of the grain structure in the process of friction stir welding". Besides the resource center staff review reports were made. The seminar discussed further cooperation between researchers ONM, resource center and prof. Mironov. |
28.09.2013 | From 23 to 28 September, the Resource Center were trained at the XIV International Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry in Russia (RTAC-2013). |
10.09.2013 |
On September 20, 2013 filing will be in electronic form from the website: |
03.06.2013 |
RC seminar involving employees of the Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences (laboratory "Mechanism of polymerization and polymer synthesis"). Presentation of promising areas of research conducted in the detention center, to discuss possible areas of joint work involving staff of SPBU.
31.05.2013 |
Meeting in RC with Prof.Dr. Habip Dayioglu, head of Textile Engineering Department of Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey
The meeting was attended by the head. Chair of Macromolecular Compounds A. Bilibin, Head. Chair of Solid State Chemistry IV Murin Discussed the possibility of joint cooperation. |
29.05.2013 |
Visiting Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2001) Ryoji Noer - introduction to the technological capabilities of the center, research equipment.
01.03.2013 |
The official opening of the Resource Center.