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Complex measuring electrophysical and electrochemical properties of materials - Solartron / Probostat / ProGasMix - Ячейка для измерения электрических свойств материалов ProboStat

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ProboStat is a cell for measuring electrical properties of samples under controlled atmosphere and temperatures up to 1200 ° C.

Vertical furnace electric heating Lenton Furnace System LTF12/50/300 with temperature controller Eurotherm 2704 England allows you to control the temperature in the range from room temperature to ~ 1200 K using the retaining two-stage heating system.


  • Allows to measure the conductivity of T, the partial pressures of gases and moisture.
  • 2, 3 and 4-electrode measurement system
  • The furnace temperature to 1200 ° C.
  • Atmosphere: oxidizing, inert, reducing, dry, wet
  • Sample Dimensions - Thickness: 10 - 25 mm. in diameter, similar in size or other forms of specimen.
  • Measuring tape and flat samples by the method of van der Pauw
  • Impedance spectroscopy, current-voltage, capacitance-voltage characteristics, measurement of transport numbers, the Seebeck coefficient.